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Natural Hair Regimen: Start with the basics

Start with a basic regimen and if you have to add from there then go for it.

Basic regimen: Cleanse, condition, moisturize and seal. This basic regimen is very similar to how you probably took care of your when it was relaxed (for those of you who had a relaxer). When I was relaxed I shampoo'd my hair, followed with a deep conditioner, applied a leave-in and a shine serum* if I was doing a flat wrap or I would apply a leave-in, foam wrap and a shine serum if I was doing a body/silk wrap - and that was it.

*shine serum acts as a sealant

For some naturals it does take a while to find a solid regimen, but if you start with a basic foundation then that should help if you need to add on to your regimen.

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