I have low porosity hair. It took me a while to figure this out. But after learning this, it helped me make significant changes to my regimen.
Here are a few tips that helped me: Low porosity hair has tightly closed cuticles which makes it hard to condition or moisturize the hair. So, when I condition my hair I use a heat cap. This helps to loosen the cuticles allowing the conditioner to squeeze it's way into my strands. I do not do a final rinse with cold water because as we know cold water helps to close the cuticles. Well, after rinsing my conditioner it wouldn't be wise for me to rinse with cold water because that would prevent my moisturizer for doing it's job. Which I learned the hard way. My hair would look lovely after I took it down but a few hours later it would feel extremely dry and hard to the touch. I couldn't figure that out for the life of me. I was more focused on it being a product issue instead of regimen/technique issue. So, after learning more about my porosity level it finally clicked that my products needed to penetrate -not sit on top of my hair. I only use a protein treatment when my hair feels weak or mushy. I will either do an ayurvedic mayo treatment, use a store bought protein treatment or do a henna treatment. It just depends on how I feel. Proteins are created to fill in openings along the hair strand. With my porosity level, using proteins on a regular basis will make my hair extremely brittle and it will start to break. Trying to correct a protein issue is much more difficult than trying to correct a moisture issue. ***trust me, I've been there*** When I'm styling my hair, I use room temperature to lukewarm water to refresh my hair as it dries while I'm twisting. This helps me work my mositurizer/styling product through better. I then apply a nice oil (macadamia, argan, or olive). After I've finished styling, I will then spritz my hair with cold aloe vera juice. This helps to finish my style by sealing and closing my cuticles after my warm set. After that I tie my hair down. Hope these tips help. ‪#‎texturemenaturaltips‬